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Accounts Receivable Report


Client Identification: [Client Identification]

Address: [Address]

Contact Name: [Contact Name]

Phone: [Phone]

Receivable on file:

1. Under 30 days: [Receivables under 30 days]
2. 31 to 60 Days: [Receivables from 31 to 60 Days]
3. 61 to 90 Days: [Receivables from 61 to 90 Days]
4. Over 91: [Receivables over 91]

Total Receivables: [Total Receivables]

Allowable credit limit on receivables: [Allowable credit limit]

Is client over allowable credit limit? [Yes/No]

Does this client have a payment agreement? [Yes/No]

If so specify term: [Terms]

If no payment agreement exists, specify action to be taken to insure payment and/or a continued business relationship:
[Action to be taken]

Accounts Receivable

Date [Date]